Writing for Octopus TL;DR

This page includes the basics you need to get started, as does the basic blog template. More detailed instructions are available in the rest of this guide.


The blog and the docs are both written with Markdown.

The following is the minimum Markdown you need:

  1. ## H2 Heading, ### H3 heading.

  2. Use **bold** for tool/feature names and UI elements, use *italics* to add emphasis, and use back ticks for parameters and file paths:
  3. Add a [link](https://www.octopus.com).

  4. Create a code block:
    Write-Host "Hello, World!"
  5. Add an image:
    ![Description of the image](image-name.png "width=500px")

Sentence case

Use sentence case for titles. Sentence case uses the same capitalization rules as normal sentences, whereas title case capitalizes most words in the title. We don’t use title case.


Use images and screenshots to help illustrate your point, but don’t rely on images alone to convey your meaning. Use a screenshot if:

For more information, see working with images.


Proofread your work to make sure it’s error free and validates with Docsync. Octopus has a Grammarly account that can help spot simple mistakes.

Create a PR

When your work is ready, create a PR so the work can be reviewed, edited, scheduled (if it’s for the blog) and merged.

Common validation errors

We use an in-house tool to convert the docs and the blog from markdown to HTML for publication on the web.

These are some of the common validation errors that will cause your PR to fail. If you see the build has failed check the following:

YAML front matter

If the YAML front matter is missing entirely or in part validation will fail. See the basic template for details.

File or directory names are not all lowercase

Check you have only used lowercase characters, dashes (-) and full stops (.) in your filenames.

Validation will fail if links that don’t resolve are included.

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